15 5 月, 24

Latest from Google I/O: Gemini Rules on Android & Beyond


AI Takes Center Stage at Google I/O: Gemini Enhancements for Android 15 and Beyond

Google I/O unveiled a plethora of new features for the company’s software ecosystem, with a particular focus on the upcoming Android 15. The highlight of these updates revolves around the advancements in Gemini, an AI-powered technology. Gemini, initially introduced at last year’s I/O, is now deeply integrated into existing and future Pixel phones. Users will soon have the ability to access Gemini as an overlay on any app, enabling them to effortlessly import AI-generated text or images. Additionally, Circle to Search and Gemini Nano will receive enhancements, improving their capabilities to comprehend and analyze text, pictures, and audio.

For those seeking respite from the AI-centric announcements (AI was mentioned a staggering 121 times in the keynote alone), Google’s showcase might not have been entirely satisfying. Nevertheless, amidst the AI buzz, there may be a few new features that prove valuable in day-to-day usage.