29 8 月, 24

New breakthrough in battery technology: 820 Wh/kg lithium manganese oxide battery


Recently, researchers announced a remarkable battery technology breakthrough, a battery based on lithium manganese oxide, with an energy density of up to 820 watt-hours per kilogram, and no voltage attenuation. This breakthrough brings new hope for the battery field.

The nickel and cobalt in traditional lithium-ion batteries are not only expensive, but also have environmental problems. The new technology replaces these metals with manganese, reducing costs and being more eco-friendly.

The battery’s high energy density makes it competitive, on par with top-tier nickel-based cathodes and superior to other low-cost alternatives. At the same time, it also has excellent fast charging capability, which is a big advantage for electric vehicles.

More importantly, it solves the common voltage attenuation problem of manganese batteries, and does not reduce the voltage over time, thus ensuring the performance and responsiveness of electronic devices.

The researchers achieved this breakthrough by controlling the crystal structure and phase transition of lithium manganese oxides at the nanoscale. The nanoscale monoclinic crystal arrangement is key, allowing phase transitions that prevent the cathode from being trapped in a low-volume state.

However, the problem of manganese solubility still needs to be solved, and the researchers found that the high concentration electrolyte and lithium phosphate coating can alleviate this problem.

This research brings a new direction to the development of battery technology, which is expected to drive further development in areas such as electric vehicles. However, to achieve commercial application, further research and improvement are needed. We look forward to the future development of this technology to bring more convenience and sustainability to our lives.